Monday, January 30, 2012

The print and play version should be finished today. All the components are done. I just need to give the rulebook a slight revision.

While I do enjoy graphic design, I get very frustrated. I always get annoyed at my own limitations, and that couples with my impatience. While I learn a lot every time I work on a project, it's still slow going. I designed some color cards for the game that won't make it into the print and play version because they don't print very well. I don't understand how to design for print instead of screen, so while my stuff may look good on the monitor, it doesn't come out that way on the printer. However, when I get around to doing the web site, it should be much less frustrating.

Most of the print and play version is going to be black and white. I originally wanted to include full color options as well, but I just can't put together anything I'm happy with in a reasonable amount of time. The black and white stuff looks decent enough for now. It's at least functional, and that's the most important part of design anyway. The nice thing about print and play games is that you can immediately upload new files when you make revisions, so your players can get the new stuff right away. So when I do have the new designs ready, I can update the game immediately.

I can't wait to let this out to the public. It's about as done as I can make it, I think. I'm happy with the way it plays, but I've only played it so many times. There could still be issues I didn't notice, but that's the way it is with most games. There comes a time when you say "I believe this works" and put it out there. I believe my game works, and it's fun. I enjoy it. My family enjoys it. My friends enjoy it. I'm not sure if it'll be a big hit or a big bust, but I believe in it. And going back to my earlier comments, if an issue does come up, I can correct it right away without having to spend money on a "second edition" printing.

Another reason I'm happy to be just about done with this is I want to get back to development. I'm working on a family game that's coming together nicely - just needs a little more tweaking - and a heavy strategy game that really has me excited. There's also a fantasy adventure game to introduce the other brand property I'm working on, but that one's a story for another post. Not to mention about three other games waiting in the wings. Being a one-man show is hard, but the trade show is still two months away, and I can get a lot done when I really put my nose to the grindstone.

Oh, and I met with the lawyer on Saturday. He's filing the incorporation papers today, and trademarks will happen as soon as I'm official. And then I have to sit down and refresh my memory on copyrights. Not to mention patents. Star Traders may not really need one or even be eligible for one, but I'm pretty sure my strategy game will.

Break's over. Time to finish the rules pdf so I can publish the game.

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